
COVID Care at Home

Healthcare Administrative Departments across the world, prioritize testing and treating high-risk individuals due to a limited supply of resources. In this situation, how do you take care of yourself or your loved ones if you suspect a COVID infection? How do you keep everyone safe? Read along to find out how and learn a few tips to take care of a Covid patient at home or in a non-healthcare setting.

OverviewWhen should you treat Covid at home?

Primarily there are two common scenarios where people who have tested positive are asked to take care of themselves at home.

The first scenario is when the healthcare system is bursting at the seams. That is, there is a huge spike of cases and the beds within hospitals are all filled or almost filled.

This case was seen in a large number of countries where these spikes come with waves of Covid infections. In such situations, the healthcare department may give basic care and advice for the patient and then ask them to take care at home.

In the second scenario, the infected person may not display any symptoms or have only very mild symptoms and they do not have any underlying diseases. However, these individuals must stay in touch with their doctors to get real-time advice.

Additionally, if the doctor suspects a case of Covid and the patient is awaiting test results, they may recommend home care.

Anyone who is sick with flu-like symptoms must stay at home - even if Covid-19 has not been confirmed- unless medical care is required.

Covid test at home

Detecting Covid is important to prevent its spread and treat it. Testing for Covid-19 at home is possible, several testing methods can be used for the same.

RT PCR Saline Gargle kit

These kits come with a saline solution that you should gargle for about 15 seconds. The saline solution is spat into the accompanying tube which will be sent to a lab for testing.

This is perhaps one of the most convenient methods of Covid testing available. However, the test results will take time depending on the logistics.

Covid Rapid Antigen Self Test Kit

These kits come with a nasal swab, a Test Card, a Prefill Extraction Tube, and a Disposal Bag. The nasal swab is used to collect samples from the nasal pathway. The sample is then dipped into the tube.

The contents of the tube are tested for Covid with the test card. The results are out within 15 minutes. However, the results may not be as accurate as an RT PCR test and may not be very comfortable.

Apart from these testing methods, many diagnostic labs offer tests at home. They may send trained professionals to collect samples and send you the results online.

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Warning signs and symptoms of brain tumor


A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in your brain. Brain tumors come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and locations, according to which the symptoms also differ.

Brain tumors can be malignant or benign. Malignant tumors are cancerous and spread fast without any clear boundaries. On the other hand, benign tumors do not have cancerous cells, spread slowly, and usually exhibit clear boundaries.

When tumors originate in the brain, they are called primary tumors. If cancer that affects other parts of the body spreads to the brain, it is known as a metastatic or secondary tumor.

With over 120 types of brain and nerve tumors, each individual may have different experiences. Brain tumors may form in various areas, originating from different cells, and their treatments also differ.

Warning signs and symptoms

Here are some general signs and symptoms of a brain tumor. General symptoms are overlapping symptoms seen across most types of brain tumors.



Frequent worsening headaches are a sign of brain tumor seen in around 50% of cases. These headaches may worsen with activity or early mornings.

Tumors in the brain strain nerves and blood vessels inside the brain, causing headaches.

But headaches alone do not mean the presence of a brain tumor. A vast array of diseases or lifestyle habits could also cause headaches.


Seizures are another commonly seen symptom of brain tumor and are often the first signs. About 50% of brain tumor patients report having at least one seizure.

Tumors strain nerve cells which impairs their ability to transmit electrical signals. Seizures may be a result of this impairment.

Again, having a seizure doesn’t necessarily indicate a brain tumor. Seizures can be due to several neurological issues, brain damage, or substance abuse.


Feeling a bit tired after a long day or a good workout isn’t what we’re talking about.

If you find yourself tired all the time, sleeping a lot, being weak overall, or with heavy limbs, chances are you are fatigued. When you are fatigued you may lose your ability to focus and get irritated easily.

As with the other symptoms, being fatigued alone doesn’t hint at the presence of a brain tumor.

Mood swings

Brain tumors can interfere with the brain’s normal functioning, consequently, result in sudden mood swings.

Along with mood swings, some people also report personality or behavioral changes. Mood swings may also be caused as a result of chemotherapy.


Brain tumors can affect memory and have an impact on thinking. People with brain tumors are likely to experience difficulty remembering things or feel confused.


Clumsiness may be an early indicator of a brain tumor. Always losing your balance, fumbling with keys, dropping things could be due to this clumsiness.

Fumbling words, difficulty with facial expression are also ways in which clumsiness is often seen.


Brain tumors may cause hormonal imbalances resulting in nausea or vomiting. Experiencing nausea or vomiting frequently without any reason may be a sign of a brain tumor.

Final thoughts

The signs and symptoms mentioned here are generally seen with numerous types of brain tumors. Depending on the location, size, and origin of the tumor, other symptoms may be seen.

A tumor in the frontal lobe may cause additional memory problems or impair your logical reasoning skills. Similarly, there are specific symptoms for each type of brain tumor.

Isolated experiences or experiencing just one of these symptoms may not be due to a brain tumor. However, persistent symptoms require medical attention.

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HIV: Transmission, and Treatment HIV

Overview: Human Immunodeficiency Virus, known as HIV, is a kind of virus that damages the immune system. Untreated HIV affects and kills CD4 cells, a type of immune system called T cell. Over time, as HIV kills many CD4 cells, the body is more likely to develop the worst conditions and different types of cancers.


Where did HIV come from?

HIV infection in humans came from chimpanzees in Central Africa. The chimpanzee version of the virus (called SIV) was probably passed to humans when humans hunted chimpanzees for food and came in touch with their HIV-infected blood. This virus probably jumped from chimpanzees to humans in the late 1800s. Over time, the virus slowly spread in Africa and later to different parts of the world. We know that the virus existed in the United States since the late 1970s.




HIV can be transmitted through body fluids which include blood sperm, vaginal and rectal fluid, and breast milk. The virus is not transmitted through usual contacts like air or water.


Because HIV attaches itself to cell DNA, it is a lifelong condition, and presently no drug removes HIV from the body entirely, although many scientists are working to find it.

However, with medical care, including antiretroviral therapy, it is possible to treat HIV and live with the virus for many years. Without treatment, a person with HIV may develop a severe Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome condition, known as AIDS.

At that time, the immune system is too weak to respond effectively to other diseases, ailments, and conditions.

With treatment, the term of life with AIDS of the last phase is about three years. With antiretroviral therapy, HIV can be effectively controlled, and life expectancy is almost the same as that of a person who has never been infected with HIV.

It is estimated that 1.25 million Americans are currently living with HIV. Of those people, one in every eight persons does not know they are infected.

What is AIDS?

AIDS is a disease that can occur in some people with HIV. If a person has HIV, it does not mean that AIDS will develop. AIDS is a very advanced stage of HIV. HIV usually kills CD4 cells. A normal adult usually has a CD4 count of 500 to 1,500 per cubic millimeter. A person with HIV whose CD4 count becomes less than 210 per cubic millimeter should be diagnosed with AIDS, ideally. A person may also be diagnosed with AIDS if they are HIV-positive and develop a rare opportunistic infection or cancer in HIV-negative people.

Opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia occur only in an uninfected person, such as someone with an advanced level of HIV (AIDS).

If left untreated, HIV can progress to AIDS within ten years. Currently, there is no total cure for AIDS, and without treatment, the life expectancy after diagnosis is almost three years at a Reliable Source. This can be short-lived if a person develops a severe illness. However, antiretroviral treatment can prevent AIDS from growing. As AIDS progresses, it means that the immune system is severely compromised, i.e., it weakens to the extent where it can no longer respond effectively against many diseases and infections.

As a result, a person living with AIDS may be exposed to a variety of diseases like Tuberculosis.

Oral thrush - A form of fungus in the mouth or throat.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) - A type of herpes virus.

Cryptococcal meningitis - A fungal condition of the brain.

Toxoplasmosis - A parasite-induced brain condition.

Cryptosporidiosis - A disease caused by bacteria in the gut.

Cancer - Including Kaposi's sarcoma (KS).

The short life span linked to untreated AIDS is not a direct result of the disease itself. Instead, it results from diseases and disorders that result from the weakening of the immune system, w

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